Tuesday 10 May 2011


Spring is in the air

Well the spring weather has finally reached us in Orkney; The last ten days have been very good ,Clear skies and only a light breeze. The Bluebells, Ransoms & Primroses are out in full bloom, the spring migrants have started to return ,but still no reports of any Stonechats which were hit very hard by the winter weather, also Robin and Wren are in short supply. In the last week, we have seen  Great Skua and there were three Red-throated divers in summer plumage in the bay all week. Sandwich  & Arctic terns were at Newark bay on the weekend . An unexpected sighting were a pair of Sand martins,at Eastside, there were also signs of nesting holes, if so this could turn out to be possibly the first breeding record for South Ronaldsay for quite a few years. 

Below, just a few pictures from the last few week’s.

 Great Skua

 Hooded Crow

 Meadow Pipit

 Red-throated Diver


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