Monday 14 March 2011

Arum italicum,

I had noticed the fruiting stalks back in December ,when the snow was on the ground but as there are no leaves at that time of year, I could not identify the plant. At the end of February I returned to the site to get pictures of the plants, after looking on “ Orkbottany” and the  National Biodiversity Network site, I could find no listing for Arum italicum, in Orkney so posted a message on Orkbottany requesting information.  I received a message from Eric Meek , quoted below

I have to admit that I did not know of the existence of Arum italicum until your posting but it has made me do a bit of investigation.  The only Arum on the Orkney list is A.maculatum and that is introduced and only found in 'neglected gardens' in 10 km squares HY40, HY41 and HY45 i.e the Kirkwall and Holm areas and Papa Westray.  I only know it from the walled garden at Graemeshall, Holm.  To my knowledge, A.italicum has never been recorded in Orkney or perhaps it has and it hasn't been entered anywhere because the observer thought it was an obvious garden escape.

I later received an email from John Crossley .

Hello Mike,

I live in South Ronaldsay and am also the County Recorder (BSBI) for plants. I would very much like to look at the Arum. Can you give me a grid ref and/or site description?

Bets wishes,

It may well be that it is an escape from a garden but it was not listed as growing in Orkney.


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